We are looking so forward to HIMSS23 this year, April 17-21, in Chicago, IL! The Health Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) annual conference has been a staple in the healthcare IT world for decades now. In addition to packing comfortable shoes and plenty of business cards, it’s important to plan for the conference by looking ahead at who will be there and what panels or presentations you’ll want to attend. You could easily spend the entire week perusing the Exhibition Hall and Specialty Pavilions, engaging with vendors and organizations on specific topics and tech. (Catch us as part of the Interoperability Showcase, demonstrating an innovative care transitions use case via the 360x protocol!) But you’ll want to add some of the Experiences to your schedule too, including the Interoperability Experience, which you know is right up our alley. In fact, Kno2 will be well represented at HIMSS23 by our integrated partner network and several panel spots that you won’t want to miss…

Driving Interoperability in 2023

Kno2’s very own Matt Becker, VP of Interoperability, will be speaking on a panel on CURES, TEFCA and Information Blocking. The discussion will feature representatives from Carequality and others who will join Matt in unpacking what TEFCA holds for the promising future of healthcare communication, including the ramifications of recent Information Blocking penalties. The panel will explore the intricacies of compliance and outline the evolving compliance landscape. I know Matt intends to bring practical steps providers can do today to avoid a misstep.

This discussion will take place MONDAY, APRIL 17TH, so be sure to add the forum to your launch-day calendar for HIMSS23. You won’t want to miss this!

Catch Up on TEFCA’s Progress Toward Nationwide Interoperability

Speaking of TEFCA, Therasa Bell – our co-founder, CTO, and President – will be part of a separate panel discussion on the latest updates from the ONC and Sequoia Project on the roles that QHINs will play in this framework for nationwide interoperability. Bell will bring her unique perspective on hard-to-reach markets and technology that sits on the edge and bring our deep experience with simple, scalable tools that move the needle on meaningful connectivity between providers and anyone else with whom they need to share patient information.

The conversation is extremely timely, and we hope to inspire and encourage participants to engage with this new framework with a clear vision of what to expect TEFCA goes live. Kno2 is honored to be 1 of 6 other organization recognized as an inaugural Qualified Health Information Network (QHIN) applicant under TEFCA, and we welcome connections at HIMSS to learn more about our QHIN journey!

Earmark some time on Wednesday, April 19th for this conversation!

Register and Get the Details for HIMSS23

If you haven’t yet registered or need more info to make the most of your HIMSS23 attendance, visit the official HIMSS FAQs page, and first time attendees can get some extra support to avoid information overload and enjoy the deep dive into healthcare IT with fellow vendors, healthcare professionals, physicians, scholars, and health organizations.

We’d love to meet fellow attendees in Chicago! To schedule a meeting to discuss your digital transformation needs, and our solutions, shoot an email to meetings@kno2.com with the subject “Connect at HIMSS23.”

And it bears repeating…bring comfortable shoes.