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The Future of Interoperability

From telehealth and virtual reality to AI and wearable tech, healthcare is becoming more technology-focused
interoperability for providers. solving provider expectations

Interoperability is Not Meeting Provider Expectations

By Dr. Peter Schoch, Chief Health Officer Kno2   We often talk about interoperability––the seamless
lifecycle of data in healthcare: interoperability

The Lifecycle of Data in Healthcare: Interoperability’s Role in Driving Insights

This is the second article in a series about interoperability in healthcare by Dr. Peter

Redefining Interoperability in Healthcare: Beyond the Technical Jargon

This is the first article in a series about interoperability in healthcare by Dr. Peter

A Look at the Provider Experience

“You cannot provide exceptional clinical outcomes or patient experiences without first addressing the provider experience”

The Patient Experience & the Impact of Healthcare Interoperability

We all know, in the healthcare system, the multifactorial fragmentation of today’s healthcare system leads

Keep up with the latest communications from Kno2.