Meet Tanette Travis-Lawless, our Program Director of Healthcare Network Services! We’re thankful to have Tanette as a valued member of the Kno2 team!

What do you do at Kno2?

I feel lucky serve Kno2, our partners, and our customers as Program Director of Healthcare Network Services.  I help to oversee and support initiatives and strategy for enterprise customers including fax transition, Kno2 integration opportunities, and Kno2 Kno2fy onboarding.

What’s your ‘why’ for working at Kno2 or in healthcare technology in general?

I started my career in medical records, which is now called health information management. I was first a file clerk, but then as my career grew, I grew along with the advancements in technology. I enjoy working at Kno2, because we get to take it a step further. We’re taking all of the advancement in EHRs and allowing those different vendors and those different technology solutions to talk to each other. We are bringing people together and making information available to those that need it most. We are making information available to those that will make the difference in the lives of our friends and families, to help them be healthier and help them solve any health problems they may be dealing with.

What’s your favorite movie?

I probably would say Fifty First Dates. I love that it’s just pure happiness. The storyline is about an individual that has a traumatic event where her life course changes unexpectedly from an accident, and she suffers from a brain injury and memory issues. This movie relates to my passion for healthcare and the journey that sometimes life presents for us.

If you could travel anywhere in, where would you go and what’s the first thing you would do when you arrived? 

I would like to go to Athens, Greece! The first place I would want to go to is the Parthenon. I am fascinated by the history! I would love to experience that history in person. I studied a lot about it, and I’m just amazed by the accomplishments of those societies back then and their communities. One day I hope to see it!

Connect with Tanette on LinkedIn.