Meet Edie Robinson, our Technical Product Manager! Edie ensures the development of interoperability products and services align with business objectives, market demands and interoperability requirements. She also oversees that these objectives are seamlessly brought back into the Kno2 Communication Platform. We’re thankful to have Edie as a valued member of the Kno2 team!

What do you do at Kno2?

I oversee Kno2’s interoperability and network integrations and works closely with our engineering, product, marketing and leadership teams to ensure the development of interoperability products and services align with business objectives, market demands and interoperability requirements and is seamlessly brought back into the Kno2 Communication Platform.

What’s your ‘why’ for working in healthcare technology?

Healthcare technology kind of fell into my lap, so to speak, specific interoperability, which is what Kno2 does. I was in interoperability for various different industries in the past, and then came into healthcare interoperability when it was kind of getting its start, so I grew up with it. I started in engineering and then moved over into leadership and now I’m into product management.

I joined Kno2 because I knew one of the employees that worked here. I had worked with in the past and I knew that he would be with a company that really valued the employees and valued the work that is done. Kno2 is in an area that is very unique in the healthcare industry, an ignored area. Everybody focuses on the providers and the hospitals have all the money in the world, but then there’s all these independent areas that really form the big picture and Kno2 caters to them. We make sure that the data is getting to and from these areas that just typically get ignored. And I like the underdog!

What is your favorite room in your house and why?

We built our house a couple of years ago and my favorite room is my living room. Our living room has a vaulted ceiling and has big windows and a big fireplace that overlooks the woods on our property.

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of a happy memory?

A happy memory for me was when we took a trip to Alaska! That was the first time that I was just able to unwind. Something about being in that area was just so peaceful for me.

Connect with Edie on LinkedIn.